Ha ha I was in Mexico and you were not!

A merry week since the last time I came around here...

I was too far from a computer (also not desiring it) because I had a field trip...Well not entirely but... mmmm... Well was work stuff you know.

My boss called me to his office last Monday... He needed me to go in search of locations for some ad, I had to go because I had the idea and because I was the chosen one...

So, the film director, the art director and I, were going in search of some beach to shoot our ad... And you know, there are not so many beaches warm enough to do things this time of year so, we had to go to the south... So, like 3 giggling teenagers preparing a sleep over we started to prepare our "work trip"... And after a lot of thinking (yeah sure why not) We choosed or destination, some paradisical beach in Mexico.

We went there, find some guides to our quest, lots of tequila, music and girls... (well no, our guides were female an cute so... No need for more... Or not?).

So story come short, I had a week of parting at Mexico beaches enjoying my ass off with all cost paid.

Yup... My boss is a terrible man... Bastard he he he.