In the last day a ménage à trois with Lipton and Pivot
As you can tell a very tasty title for my today's post...
2004 has been a pretty cool year for me... Great stuff has come to me... And I had learned a lot too, at work I'm adored like a god because my endless genius and the sex made me wet my self on tears of joy... So I'm very exited (in that way too) with our new year... If it comes as good as this one it's gona be a great year.
Anyway, I thought because this gas a great year, and because I like a lot that Bravo thingy called "Inside the Actors Studio" hosted by the strange looking James Lipton I should respond his Bernard Pivot questionnaire (sorry if this was not the kind of ménage à trois you were expecting for... By the way, you are disgusting for expecting that kind of things... Have you ever seen a photo of Bernard Pivot? Sicko).
No further story here it comes:
· What is your favorite word?
- This is a tricky question... Because if I choose a word by the meaning of it I would say Fate, not religious fate... Just fate, having fate gives you a lot of strength to be better and go on with life.
But, if I choose a word just for the word, it would had to be Bunny, bunny is a funny word.... It also rhymes with funny... bunnnny.
· What is your least favorite word?
- Bernard Pivot... Sorry.
· What turns you on?
- Knowledge.... And sexy girls... And a combination of both is just the bomb.
· What turns you off?
- Thinking of you (James Lipton) French kissing Bernard Pivot, also 3 eyed women and intolerance and unfunded judgment.
· What's your favorite curse word?
- Well this another tricky question.... Like almost every other one, the curse that I mostly use is Fuck... But my favorite is Darn... It another funny word, just like bunny.
· What sound or noise do you love?
- Mmmmmm I love of the sound that makes a beautiful woman sleeping at the other side of your bed when you tenderly hug her.
· What sound or noise do you hate?
- The voice of Jim Morrison.. Thank god his dead!!!
· What profession other than yours would you like to attempt?
- An opera singer.
· What profession would you not like to participate in?
- A sailor.
· If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
- What??... After all that time you had you forgot to bring the Vodka?... God!!!, come on in... The party has already begun we will call delivery...
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