Pretty Dots
Dots pretty dots... All full of dots...
Well the fact is I don't really like dots as a part of my complete breakfast but... Hey I suppose someone has to love them, and so who am I to tell that the dots are not pretty.
If by the name of this blog you didn't found out this is a stupid place to tell stupid things, with no sense at all... Well you are kind of dumb... In fact I kinda not like you but... Hey, who am I to tell that, I just know I'm pretty, like the pretty dots.
Now really, I started this blog just to write plain stupid and nonsense things... Just for the fun, just for the trill... And also the dots, the pretty dots... Don't you like them?.
Bye for now and dream with the pretty dots but... Hey, who am I to tell you with what you shall dream, I'm not a dream teller or do I?.
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